705-968-0417 (Alie) or 705-348-0049 (Monic)
" The Canadian Red Cross is proud to introduce the brand-new Psychological First Aid Program. The Program is built on the latest evidence-based research on emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing from the international community, including the World Health Organization (WHO), Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.It was developed in response to a growing need identified within our communities, and to address a gap in wellness education program options.
The use of Psychological First Aid (PFA) in supporting the emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing of communities is a top priority. Individuals suffering from high stress levels, burnout and suicidal thoughts (and actions) are at an all-time high in areas such as workplaces, schools, indigenous communities and among professional responders.
The Red Cross Psychological First Aid Program broadens the focus of training from a crisis-centred approach to one of resiliency-building, which is more effective at improving outcomes for individuals and others in their care. The program uses case-based learning that focuses on self-care, personal protection, loss, trauma and stress. The Red Cross Psychological First Aid Program also supports and complements other existing wellness education programs. " - Canadian Red Cross
$160.00 / participant